Title: The Art of Candle Burning: Understanding the Magic of the Melt Pool

Title: The Art of Candle Burning: Understanding the Magic of the Melt Pool

Candle burning is more than a source of light; it's an experience that engages our senses and transforms a space. Central to this experience is the creation of a melt pool, a phenomenon that plays a crucial role in the life of a candle. In this blog, we'll explore the art of candle burning and delve into the significance of the melt pool.

1. The Foundation: Quality Candles
Begin your candle journey with high-quality candles. Opt for those crafted from natural waxes like soy, beeswax, coconut and olive to name a few, paired with cotton wicks and a recent cosy trend wood wick. Quality candles set the stage for a beautiful and consistent burn.

2. Trim the Wick: A Ritual of Preparation
Before igniting the flame, trim the wick to approximately 1/4 inch if not pre trimmed. This ritual not only ensures a clean, even burn but also sets the stage for the mesmerizing dance of the melt pool.

3. The First Burn: Setting the Tone
During the initial burn, allow the entire surface of the candle to melt. This process, known as creating a melt pool, prevents tunneling—a common issue where only the center of the candle melts, leaving a tunnel-like void. The first burn establishes the foundation for a long-lasting and evenly burning candle. It can be surprising how many candles we buy that are actually under wicked (wick too small for the candle size). An under wicked candle leads to an insufficient melt pool. This leads to tunnels being created in the wax. Also burning the candle for consistent short periods and not establishing a good melt pool will also do this. 

4. The Dance of the Melt Pool: Ensuring Evenness
As the candle burns, the melt pool expands, embracing the edges. This dance is essential for an even and efficient burn. Rotate the candle occasionally if needed, allowing the melt pool to reach all sides and avoiding uneven depletion.

5. Duration and Patience: A Delicate Balance
While indulging in the glow of your candle, be mindful of burning time. To avoid tunnelling you want the melt pool to spread over the full surface nearing closer to the edge. This time frame is usually take 2-4 hours depending on size of the candle. The usual ratio is 1inch melt pool per hour. So if we have a 2 diameter candle it should take about 2 hours for a lovely melt pool spread across the top to be gentle licking the sides to 1/4 inch away from the edge. If there is wax on the edges this will melt down on later burns such as the second to fourth burn. 

6. A Clean Canvas: Removing Debris
Maintain the purity of your melt pool by removing any debris, such as trimmed wick fragments or matches. A clean melt pool ensures a more enjoyable burn and prevents unwanted odors.

7. Snuffing the Flame: A Gentle Farewell
When it's time to extinguish the flame, opt for a candle snuffer instead of blowing it out. This gentle approach minimizes wax splatter and contributes to a longer-lasting candle.

8. Beyond the Melt Pool: Safety and Storage
Practice candle safety by never leaving a burning candle unattended. Place candles on heat-resistant surfaces, away from flammable materials, and store them in a cool, dry place.

Candle burning is an art, and the creation of a melt pool is its enchanting dance. By understanding the importance of a quality foundation, the ritual of wick trimming, and the magic of the melt pool, you can elevate your candle experience to new heights, creating moments of serenity and ambiance in your daily life.
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